My Magical Dreams Jewelry
Natural Gemstones x SeaShell Pearl Phone Chain Bead Strap | 简单百搭的珍珠贝母手机链
- Regular price
- S$ 15.80
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- S$ 15.80
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S$ 0.00
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Multipurpose Strap : The Chain is not only used for mobile phones, but also use for Bags / Keys/ Car Keys/ Credit Card Holders/ AirPods Case/ Women Slim Wallet Purse and etc |
Made of good quality a nylon rope, light weight and durable. |
Crystal Properties - ☘️ Strawberry Quartz 草莓晶 Healing Properties : ♥ Self-Love ♥ Growth ♥ Passion ♥ Affection ♥ Self-Confidence 草莓水晶主爱情与人际关系。 业务人员佩戴草莓晶可增加业绩。 此外,草莓水晶还能增强爱情运势,有助于吸引美好的姻缘,佩带草莓水晶还能增加个人魅力、增进人际关系的美好圆融、和谐友善。 而对于行事比较庸懒的朋友则可藉由草莓水晶的能量化被动为主动。 ☘️Amethyst 紫水晶 Healing Properties : ♥ Fortune ♥ Wisdom ♥ Self-Confidence Enhances intuition, spirituality and meditation. Extremely protective. Calms the mind and spirit. Protects from nightmares and insomnia. 开发个人潜能,提高灵性及智能,加强夫妻感情,去除负面情绪,能治失眠及镇定安神。可帮助你提升自己的灵性,亦可以消除负面的能量,所以如果想改善运程的朋友们,紫水晶便是你必备之物,而它更可能稳定和维系人与人之间的感情。 紫水晶的寓意是集中注意力,帮助思考,增强记忆力。适合长期动脑的人。其次是爱的守护石。 功效:靈感與智慧的結晶,代表靈性、精神、高層次的愛意。其主宰右腦世界,即直覺與潛意識,提升靈性,開啟更高智慧,並能平穩情緒、幫助思考,給人勇氣與力量,使人能在困擾中沉著思考,冷靜面對現實的挑戰。紫水晶也是社交之石,佩帶有助於遇貴人;而主管或長官們配戴則可以消除霸氣,加強包容心、容忍性,是最有利於領導統馭的水晶。 ☘️Sea-Shell Pearl 贝壳珍珠 Healing Properties :A symbol of wealth and good luck 财富和好运的象征 |
* Please note that each pieces of Chain you receive may not be very slightly in size, shooting, lighting, monitors showing, the colour may be a little different between the actual goods and the images.
[One and only design] : Will not make a repeated design. If you have any customize request, simply drop us a message, we will try our best to assist you.
Handmade and Designed